Hey everyone!!! I am so sorry that I have been totally MIA!!!! Life is passing my by too quickly. I have school 4 nights a week and I work two jobs. I was finally certified to teach at Michael's but I am only available on the weekends and its hard fitting my class in with the others so I am thinking of giving my notice and closing that chapter for a short time.
I have also started to sell Close To My Heart and you can purchase from me at:
http://alina.ctmh.com/ for every order over $75.00 I will personally send a package of SPECIAL items!!!
I have still been crafting just not as much as I would like. I do a little here and a little there but I still have a family that needs and wants me. I will be heading to
PaperDollHouse in Sycamore, Illinois 60178 July and I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am. I don't plan on sleeping at all but I am sure I will have to miss a few seconds of fun to get some sleep and make sure that I eat!!
Well, I have to get back to class but here are some projects I made and sketches I like....
used Close To My Heart products...see the link above
Page 1 of a two page lo for Michaels
Page 2 of a two page lo for Michaels
tags made for a baby boy babyshower
LO I made to promote scrapbooking at Michaels
I made this card for my grandfathers birthday
This is a canvas I made for my grandmother on Mother's day
LO also made for Michael's
Flowers I made for a swap with some FB friends
Another Close to my Heart card

LO made for Michaels
These are screen prints of my email but I like these sketches:
Thank you for visiting and I will try to post more SOON!!!!
Don't forget to check out my youtube too at
Have a crafty time!!!!